[Zope-CMF] add Metadata element to existing types
Tres Seaver
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:36:25 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Siegfried Stepke wrote:
> Thanks a lot Tim for your help!
> As a zope/cmf newbie that goes far beyond my current skills :-(
> I'm somewhat astonished to find features in the metadata tool (adding
> elements) which are for no use and don't lead to the function one would
> think and need...
The tool represents a way to capture policies; the decision about
when to enforce the policies needs to vary on a site-by-site basis,
which means that it can't be automatic.
Imagine that you have a site where untrained users create content,
perhaps via WebDAV, and then submit it to "librarians" who add or
correct the metadata: in such a site, any user-supplied metadata
is only "hints" to the librarian, and the tool should not enforce
any "required" fields. The workflow on such a site would block the
publication of the content if the metadata policies were not satisfied,
but should allow users to add and submit content without enforcing them.
> I just spent a lot of time in learning and searching for information but
> have to say that the learning curve is somewhat weird: simple solutions
> are quite easy - but as soon as you need something specific you get to
> limits: not because of the technology but the lack of proper information
> or not so good implementation...
> For the actual problem I wonder, if this meta data thing is a bug that
> will be fixed in the near future (didn't find anything about it in the
> tracking system) or if this is just like it is (for any or no reason)?
Documenting a moving framework is a challenging task; we are always
glad to have community-contributed documentation to help with this
task (how-tos, etc.)
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com