[Zope-CMF] standard_error_message/404 nightmares (Re: 1.3 roadmap)
Lalo Martins
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:56:54 -0300
All right, the functionality below is implemented and the patch
is in the collector (
http://www.zope.org/Products/PTK/Tracker/486 ). So with this
message I'm officially lobbying for inclusion of this patch in
CMF 1.3.
On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 05:02:58PM -0300, Lalo Martins wrote:
> I was trying some tricks with Plone, standard_error_message and
> NotFound, and, well, it almost ruined my sleep for the week. (I
> couldn't issue a Redirect, I couldn't for dear life find the Id
> of the missing object, I couldn't use a Python Script, and other
> oddities that I find quite hard to explain.)
> Zope2 exception handling is broken, we know that pretty
> well. This should be fixed in Zope, obviously, but it's too
> hairy and nobody wants to touch it, specially on the verge of
> the Zope3 Age.
> What I propose is that we provide a nicer hook for, at least,
> NotFound, which should be handled gently on a portal. This
> wouldn't be hard to do, a small change to the CMFSite class in
> Portal.py using __bobo_traverse__ or something similar to what
> Script.py does with __before_publishing_traverse__, then calling
> a special skin template (not_found_error) and passing it the id
> of the missing object.
> However, this violates the following docstring:
> """
> The *only* function this class should have is to help in the setup
> of a new CMFSite. It should not assist in the functionality at all.
> """
> Can anyone propose a better design?
> This one requires about 6 hours of work (2 or 3 Ideal Coding Hours
> if you're into XP) and I'm willing to code it.
It doesn't bother me that people say things like
"you'll never get anywhere with this attitude".
In a few decades, it will make a good paragraph
in my biography. You know, for a laugh.
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