[Zope-CMF] Object ownership
Tres Seaver
21 May 2002 08:18:18 -0400
On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 04:01, John Morton wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 May 2002 00:34, Tres Seaver wrote:
> > There are two different senses of ownership within Zope:
> >
> > - "executable" ownership defines the user whose roles mask those of
> > the invoking user; this one addresses some server-side trojan
> > issues, and is mostly interesting for "methodish" objects
> A method that transfers ownership should probably modify this, but otherwise
> I can leave it allow. However, as it's set at object creation, I could use
> this to determine the object's creator, which is what I'm looking for.
> > ("Wesleyans"?)
> Nice :-)
> > - the "Owner" local role defines who has the permissions associtated
> > with that role for the object: e.g., who can edit in in the private
> > state (for the default workflow). Users can be granted the owner
> > local role via:
> >
> > o the ZMI (linked from the "Security" tab)
> >
> > o The "Local Roles" action for folders (note that the role is
> > acquired by default)
> >
> > o Scripts calling 'manage_{add,set,del}LocalRoles' (defined in
> > 'AccessControl/Role.py').
> But no methods for answering the question, "Which users have the local role
> 'Owner' for this object?".
This works for roles assigned directly on the object:
immediate = object.users_with_local_role( 'Owner' )
Because roles can be acquired, asking that question is tougher than it
seems; you need to troll up the hierarchy, accumulating users until
you get to the root.
> I'll have a look around these places and see what I can come up with, though I
> think the kludge of saving the workflow actor name at object creation time
> might do the trick
The 'DublinCore.Creator' method might help, too; it returns the
userid(s) of the users with 'Owner' local role on the content object. :)
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com