[Zope-CMF] Topic, allowedRolesAndUsers and NuxUserGroups
Tres Seaver
22 May 2002 07:29:04 -0400
On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 13:28, Sion Morris wrote:
> Hi,
> Problem:
> An item, 'allowedRolesAndUsers', is a criterion that can be used in a
> Topic.
> String: allowedRolesAndUsers
> Value: admin
> But when the Topic is viewed, the 'allowedRolesAndUsers' criteria seem
> to be ignored.
> Background:
> The project is for an intranet application for workgroups.
> One task is to search for every document in a particular group.
> At the root level of the CMF I have set up a 'workgroup member' role
> with access privileges. NuxUserGroups is installed to allow groups -->
> role mapping.
> The permission for each document, news item, NuxDocument etc. is set by
> the user using a customised form e.g. select the group 'admin' from a
> list (This seems sensible to me but I haven't done it yet so please let
> me know if you think otherwise :-)). The permission setting, i.e. the
> 'admin' group, is programmatically assigned to the 'workgroup member'
> role of the document after it has been submitted.
> The permission details are catalogued by the portal_catalog in the
> 'allowedUsersAndRoles' index as ['group:admin', 'user:bob'].
> If Jane, who is a member of the 'admin' group, searches for 'admin' in
> the 'allowedRolesAndUsers' index, should it mean that all published
> document with 'admin' in 'allowedRolesAndUsers' index are found? If this
> could work then instead of having folders to seperate workgroups I could
> use the permission mapping.
> If I have strayed hoplessly off course here then please let me know :-)
> Any help, as always, greatly appreciated.
The 'allowedRolesAndUsers' index is used specially by the CMF catalog
to enforce its "all results should be viewable" invariant; unless
you have subclassed from CMFCore.CatalogTool.CatalogTool, you won't
be able to make effective use of the index at all. Here's why:
# CMFCore/CatalogTool.py
# searchResults has inherited security assertions.
def searchResults(self, REQUEST=None, **kw):
Calls ZCatalog.searchResults with extra arguments that
limit the results to what the user is allowed to see.
user = _getAuthenticatedUser(self)
kw[ 'allowedRolesAndUsers' ] = self._listAllowedRolesAndUsers(\
user )
You might be able to leverage this behavior to accomplish what you want,
if I understand that correctly. The '_listAllowedRolesAndUsers' method
computes a list of roles and users which "pertain" to a given user; if
you can ensure that that method includes 'group:admin' as one of the
values, your search should work as planned (I don't know the
NuxUserGroups product well enough to know if this is so)::
def _listAllowedRolesAndUsers( self, user ):
result = list( user.getRoles() )
result.append( 'Anonymous' )
result.append( 'user:%s' % user.getUserName() )
return result
To make this work, you either need to have the user created by
NuxUserGroups return 'group:...' as one of its roles, or else you
need to subclass the CatalogTool and override
If this works, it will work *without* you passing in any explicit value
for 'allowedRolesAndUsers' (which is the point of customizing
'searchResults' in the first place!)
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com