[Zope-CMF] ScanMail Message: To Recipient file blocking settings matched and action taken.

Administrator@python.org Administrator@python.org
Wed, 22 May 2002 10:49:37 -0500

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has blocked an attachment.

Sender = emmanuel.dumoulin@sylis.be
Recipient(s) = Andreas Jung; zope@zope.org; Zope-CMF@zope.org
Subject = Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: [Zope] [HELP] Portal catalog & Files
Scanning Time = 05/22/2002 10:49:37

Action on file blocking:
The attachment $RFC822.eml matches the file blocking settings. ScanMail has Moved it.  The attachment was moved to D:\Program Files\Trend\Smex\Alert\$RFC8223cebbe112.eml_.