[Zope-CMF] CMF Folder + Metadata?
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 20:39:54 +0700
> Hi,
> I want to modify the CMF folder object to be able to have the same
> as other objects and then have sub-objects (i.e documents) inherit this
> metadata by default or enable or to be overridden on a per object basis.
> This is so I can group different types of objects/content together in a
> folder which generally will have the same metadata.
> What I wish to know is:
> 1) has this been considered before (couldn't find anything on the lists)
> if so
> a) has anyone done an implementation
> b) are others interested in using this type of functionality
> c) is it be something that should be in future version of the CMF
> 2) If nothing like it exists - is someone interested in working with me to
> develop and test it? (I'm only at medium zope/cmf level and learning
fast -
> but would need some help) - I'd be working from the CMF AMP (Advanced
> Metadata Product) which I believe will be in the next CMF version?
> 3) Would this have any implications on other aspects of the CMF?
> 4) Is there an alternate/better way of doing this that already exists?
Yes, i am interested in it. Now i am building a directory (like YIHAW but
running on CMF) for my site using folder (derived from SkinnedFolder)
and I want to store only Link and sub folder item in my folder type.
It is good considering to use metadata for folder and have sub-objects
(Link, sub folder) inherit these metadata from their parent.