[Zope-CMF] Publishing question
Carl Rendell
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 07:20:39 -0800
On Monday, November 4, 2002, at 09:00 AM, zope-cmf-request@zope.org
> To: zope-cmf@lists.zope.org
> Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 10:23:46 -0500
> From: "brent A shelkey" <bshelkey@lycos.com>
> Reply-To: bshelkey@lycos.com
> Organization: Lycos Mail (http://www.mail.lycos.com:80)
> Subject: [Zope-CMF] Publishing question
> In the Dublin Core Metadata there is an effective date and an
> expiration date.
> Do these really work?
> In my testing, the effective date really didn't seem to work as it
> states in this Zope screen:
> "Another way to control the visibility of an item is with its
> effective date. An item is not publicly available before its
> effective date, even if its status is published."
> I was able to set an item's effective date and then publish it
> before the effective date and view it publicly.
> Two questions
> 1) Has anybody used these items to any success to control content
> publishing/expiration?
yes, they are used all the time. I you are logged in with a role
that has the permission - "Access Inactive Content" - then you'll
see items that have expired or have future effectivity dates. The
easy way to check this is to view the page from another browser
where you have not logged in.
> 2) Do these fields accept a time part like the creation/modified
> fields, i.e. 2002-11-04 10:16:12 ??
yes.. by default all dates without time specified are set to
midnight (00:00:00). Again, testing this is a browser where you
have no logged in will allow you to see this in action.
> Thanks for your help,
> Brent
Carl E. Rendell
Information Distribution and Process Consulting