[Zope-CMF] addProduct vs init. Need explanations
Pascal Samuzeau
Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:09:26 +0100
Hi Dieter,
> > Ok, But What addProductA for ?
> It is the function that creates your new "ProductA" objects and adds
> them to a container.
> Usually, it is the action use in the form that requests the
> parameters for object creation. This form in turn is usually
> activated by the ZMI's "add list".
Well, if I admit what you told me, I should wrote something like:
def addProductA(self,id,title,and_some_others):
# productA = ProductA(id=id,title=title,and_some_others_too)
class ProductA():
def __init__(self,id,title,and_some_others):
# what I want here
I you noticed, I have commented the line
# productA = ProductA(id=id,title=title,and_some_others_too) in the
def addProductA()
Now, If I restart Zope, and add the new product, I should have
normally either a raise error, at least nothing will happen. But what
it my surprise to discovery that the product is installed with the
parameters passed throught the ZMI's html page !!!!
> > I mean if I add a ProductA under a CMFSite, only the init'class
> > calling.
That only what I was telling to you, only the init's class function is
> Should I understand what you are saying here?
> When you use your product as content class of a CMF Type, then
> you would put the "addProductA" as "Product Factory" in the type
> description.
Oh, no, just I want to add a new object of the type of my product by
calling addProduct only, just to keep out of the init's class function
what I want to be done outside of the real needing of this class.
And to intend to do this, I think I have not yet understand the
difference between init's class and addProduct' calling (which calls
the init's class in fact...)
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