[Zope-CMF] Listing Metadata Values for contish object
Duane Raymond
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:35:38 -0000
I've been banging my head against the wall on the issue of getting a list of
all metadata (dublin core plus custom) stored for any CMF contish object and
haven't been able to find a way yet. Below is the code I am using but it
only returns the element values for id and title. I am using Zope 2.6, CMF
1.3 and the Advanced Metadata Products (AMP) but I assume that regardless of
what product I use, the metadata is stored in the same place (??).
Using the code below I get the title and element Spec of each custom
medadata product but not the dublin core elements OR the values for any
metadata. What am I doing wrong/missing (know propertyValues is not right -
but I've tried many other things and they don't work either).
<table border=1 tal:define="propertyFields
propertyValues here/propertyValues">
<td> id </td>
<td tal:repeat="pField propertyFields">
<span tal:replace="pField"> property field </span></td>
<td tal:content="here/id"> id </td>
<td tal:repeat="pValue propertyValues">
<span tal:replace="pValue"> property value </span></td>