Re[4]: [Zope-CMF] Excessive time load when processing relations
Rainer Thaden
Rainer Thaden <>
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:30:56 +0100
DM> > But i tracked it down and found that the tal:condition statement
DM> > caused the load in
DM> >
DM> > <a href="#"
DM> > tal:condition="autor"
DM> > tal:attributes="href autor/absolute_url"
DM> > tal:content="string:${autor/Nachname}, ${autor/Vorname}">Ketchup, Heinz
DM> > </a>
DM> >
DM> > I removed that and the time load shrinked from 7s to 1.5s.
DM> Unbelievable!
DM> Are "autor" or "Nachname/Vorname" expensive in any way?
No , they're just attributes of an instance of 'Employee'.
I got a mail from Roger Espinosa who posted the following
(unfortunately not into the list):
RE> Mmm --- it's been my experience that sometimes tal:condition seems to
RE> grab the "call'ed" version of your object. I'd see if there was a
RE> difference between saying
RE> tal:condition="autor"
RE> and
RE> tal:condition="python:autor" (or the equivalent of "autor is not None").
I tried
and for both everything is fine.
Thanks Roger.