[Zope-CMF] Re: [Zope3-dev] Content Types: What are they? Do we need them for Zope 3
Casey Duncan
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 12:48:06 -0500
On Thursday 14 November 2002 03:15 pm, Jim Fulton wrote:
> Historically, Zope has a notion of "type" that has not been
> very well defined.
> - Zope 2 has something called "meta type". This is used for at
> least two different things in Zope 2:
> o As a nice name for an object type (class).
> o As a name for constructors in add menus. Note that these were
> originally intended to be constructors for specific object
> types, but later they included things like "Zope Search
> Interface", which didn't build any one specific object type.
> In addition, I'm told that Silva selects UI components based om
> meta type.
I think that we must have some mortal-readable name given to "types". IMO=
, in=20
Zope3 terms a type is described through an interface. Therefore it would =
that an "object type" (I hesitate to use the word content here, what abou=
objects that aren't related to content?) is simply a friendly "display na=
for a single interface.
Now, this is quite a different thing from a meta_type. Since meta_types=20
classically denote a single class. As Stephan points out, if we use=20
interfaces to denote types, then an object can be simultaeously an image =
a file.
This is not a bad thing, except how does one sort objects by type? With=20
explicit being better than implicit I imagine that when registering conte=
you should be able to declare a single interface as the "type" of the=20
content. This interface should of course be implemented by the objects=20
created by the factory (this could be enforced by the framework). In a=20
separate declaration, you would specify the friendly name for the interfa=
to be read by non-programmers.
For instance:
<type interface=3D".Image.IImage" title=3D"Image" description=3D"An Image=
File" />
<content class=3D".Image." type=3D".Image.IImage" />
Perhaps this could supplant the title and description we currently give t=
o the=20
factory declaration inside content. It seems that the current business of=
declaring it on the factory only helps us in creating objects, not=20
identifying objects that already exist. This could take care of both.
> - The Content Management Framework (CMF) has "portal types".
> Portal types were orginally meant to be like meta types that
> could be set on individual instances. Instances with the same
> meta type could have different portal types, to reflect
> different usages of the same underlying implementation. Also,
> while Zope meta types are just strings, portal types name
> objects that provide meta data and functionality.
> The CMF uses portal types in a number of ways:
> o Portal types allow type-specific configuration. Portal types
> are used as keys into a variety of registry (or registry-like)
> mechanisms, including:
> - Skins, which associate templates and scripts with portal
> types to provide custom user interfaces and application logic.
> - Workflows
> - Actions, which reporesent type-specific applications
> In this respect, portal types in the CMF are used the same way
> that interfaces are used in Zope 3.
> o Factories are defined for portal types. There's a one-to-one
> relation between factory and portal type.
> o Portal types have meta data.
I think the above could also take care of this. The idea of types could b=
extended to include additional metadata. These declarations could be tied=
a service for using the metadata in an application.
> I think that many people think of content types as naming
> specific concrete types of objects. People might expect a
> content-type to include specific information. This makes content
> types a bit more concrete that interfaces.
I agree. In the above, certain interfaces are declared explicitly as "typ=
These interfaces would be the ones directly exposed to the end users of t=
system as an identifier of what the object is and what its direct=20
capabilities are.
> Zope 3 has no separate notion of content types. It does have
> content components. Zope 3 also has interfaces. Content
> components often implement a number of interfaces. No one
> interface is designated to be the content type, although, in most
> cases, it would be fairly straightforward to do so.
> Content components usually register factories,
> but there's no association between factories and interfaces.
> Does Zope 3 need a "content type" concept? Is so, what should
> content types be used for?
> What should content types be used
> Jim