[Zope-CMF] making CMFCore independent from CMFDefault
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 15:56:05 +0100
This mail is not about *why*, its about *how* to do this.
If you are interested in the *why*, have a look at these two mails:
For background information, I'll start with an ASCII-table that shows
some dependencies between CMFCore and CMFDefault. It lists interfaces
(most of them for the tools) and the corresponding implementations.
Modules in '()' don't refer explicit to an interface, but I hope the
classifications are correct.
CMF Interfaces | CMFCore | CMFDefault
CachingPolicyManager | CachingPolicyManager | --
ContentTypeRegistry | (ContentTypeRegistry) | --
Contentish | PortalContent | --
Discussions | -- | --
DublinCore | -- | DublinCore
IndexableContent | (PortalContent) | --
Membership | -- | --
PortalContentRegistration | (register) | --
ReviewableContent | (PortalContent) | --
Syndicatable | -- | (SyndicationTool)
portal_actions | ActionsTool | --
portal_catalog | CatalogTool | --
portal_discussion | DiscussionTool ? DiscussionTool
portal_memberdata | MemberDataTool | --
portal_membership | MembershipTool > MembershipTool
portal_metadata | -- | (MetadataTool)
(portal_properties) | -- | PropertiesTool
portal_registration | RegistrationTool > RegistrationTool
portal_skins | SkinsTool | --
portal_types | (TypesTool) | --
portal_undo | UndoTool | --
(portal_url) | -- | URLTool
portal_workflow | WorkflowTool | --
And now some initial thoughts:
1.) Info: I already started moving CMFDefault.URLTool to CMFCore.
2.) Proposal: move CMFDefault.DublinCore to CMFCore
Why: CMFWorkspaces, CMFWiki, CMFCollector and CMFCalendar depend
on DublinCore.
3.) Proposal: remove Syndicatable interface from CMFDefault.Interfaces
Why: redundant
4.) Question: CMFCore.ActionsTool depends on CMFDefault.PropertiesTool
and CMFDefault.SyndicationTool. What to do?
5.) Proposal: remove Discussions and Membership interface from
Why: They seem to be replaced by newer interfaces and not used
6.) Any other ideas?