[Zope-CMF] Lost Admin password
Ivo van der Wijk
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:17:03 +0100
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 02:03:00PM -0000, Phil Bradbury wrote:
> I guess many have done this, but no-one admits it! ;-)
> Is there any way, given that I have access to the file system on the server
> where my Zope installation resides (a Win2K platform for playing with), of
> either creating a new 'superuser' or finding out what the current details
> are?
> I've been tinkering with a plone site and LDAP authentication and in the
> process have somehow managed to mess up the root Admin user password (well,
> I changed it as the site was doing strange things looking in the acl_users
> folder at root level before checking against the LDAP server). Now I have no
> root access to be able to do anything!
> I know the username (unless things have completely turned against me and
> this has been altered) but the password is a mystery to me.
Just create a new superuser - i.e. in your INSTANCE_HOME create a file
'access' using zpasswd.py. This will create an emergency superuser (which
is different from inituser, which is an initial user in your userfolder)
Using the emergency superuser account, create a new manager account,
and your saved.
Drs. I.R. van der Wijk -=-
Brouwersgracht 132 Amaze Internet Services V.O.F.
1013 HA Amsterdam, NL -=-
T +31-20-4688336 F +31-20-4688337 Linux/Web/Zope/SQL/MMBase
W http://www.amaze.nl E info@amaze.nl Network Solutions
W http://vanderwijk.info E ivo@amaze.nl Consultancy
PGP http://vanderwijk.info/pgp -=-