[Zope-CMF] doc error?

Mark McEahern mark@mceahern.com
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 17:09:13 -0500

In http://cmf.zope.org/doc/devel/writing_skins towards the bottom, it says:

"Skins are configured to search through the identified layers from right to
left. By default, the file system views are the furthest to the left and the
custom views are closer to the right. In a basic configuration that includes
CMF Topic, you'll notice that every skin configuration includes custom,
topic, content, generic, control, Images. That means that when a name like
actions_box is encountered, it's first looked for in custom, then topic,
then content, and so on."

Shouldn't it say, instead:

"Skins are configured to search through the identified layers from LEFT to

// m