[Zope-CMF] cannot get authenticated user

Rocky Mazzeo rjmazzeo@hotmail.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:26:57 -0700

Under the hood question:
I'm trying to extend Products.CMFCore.SkinsTool for a personal project. 
Basically I want to over-ride getSkinByName to run little logic and return 
the skin based on Role/Permission/URL.

I am running into a stumbling block in that 'getSecurityManager.getUser()' 
is always returning the Anonymous User. I removed the CookieCrumbler (hoping 
it was just that it hadn't been called yet), but even standard HTTP 
Authentication Headers are returning the Anonymous User.

Is it possible to get the User object at this level? Can someone offer 
advice as to what I could be missing? Here is a stripped down version of my 

class CMFSkinsToolRules(SkinsTool):
  def getSkinByName(self,name):
    strSkinName = self.getSkinByRule()

  def getSkinByRule(self):
    strSkinName = None
    objUser = getSecurityManager().getUser()
    # objUser is always the Anonymous User

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