[Zope-CMF] Re: reStructuredText

Andreas Jung Andreas Jung <lists@andreas-jung.com>
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 17:58:12 +0200

--On Montag, 21. Oktober 2002 17:49 +0200 Alexander Limi <limi@plone.org> 

> (CC to the CMF list)
>> Given my level of ignorance, I can only offer this as an addition to
>> whatever wish list might exist for Plone:
>>   The ability to use reStructuredText for formatting text.
> +1.
> This is a CMF issue though, but it's definitely something that should be
> added to the CMF core. It's much better than StructuredTextNG, they have
> fixed all the things I find annoying, atleast. It makes STX much more
> usable.
> Are there any plans for reStructuredText support in CMF 1.4?

I started working on a fishbowl proposal to include reStructuredText
into the Zope in addition to the old STX. Maybe we can find some
supporters :-)
