[Zope-CMF] Plong/CMF lack of speed?
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 08:50:27 -0700
> But lets fix that in 1.1 not in 1.0. First feature completion, then
> optimization. But Plone really should work with enough speed out of the
> box to drive a small to medium based website.
I agree, lets do the optimization later. Having a decent, effecient out of
the box experience will be very important without telling someone they have
to get a cluster, squid, ZEO etc. A product that only works on high end
machines is too high a price for a many. For example educational customers
who really like the open source market, just dont have lots of money to
throw at machines.
Saying that 1.0 Alpha 4 is alot faster than 0.99 and I believe (although I
havent studied it) most of the problem is ZPT. ZopeZen which is DTML flies
in comparison.
I would stick optimisation on the agenda for 1.1 and would love to work on
Either that or rewrite it in DTML ;)
Andy McKay
Agmweb Consulting