[Zope-CMF] Why is CVS-head version 1.2?

Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
10 Sep 2002 09:19:27 -0400

On Tue, 2002-09-10 at 07:21, Stefan H. Holek wrote:
> I am confused about the CMF version I get when I follow the steps outlined 
> in <http://cmf.zope.org/download/INSTALL_CVS.txt> for checking out 
> CMF-head. It seems to be the current (post 1.3) codebase, still the version 
> numbers of the products show 1.2, 1.2beta, 1.3-beta2, ...
> What's up?

What you see are artifacts of our (sometimes inconsistent) use of CVS
branching;  the head of CVS does not actually correspond to *any*
released version, as releases are made from branches.  I will modify the
files on the head accordingly.

Thanks for pointing this out!

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com