[Zope-CMF] Skins question
Tres Seaver
11 Sep 2002 09:38:59 -0400
On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 05:44, Pawel Lewicki wrote:
> Is there any reason to keep in portal_skins ZPTs that are used just once?
> For example I keep images just in one folder and have a few pages to manage
> them. I can put there my pages too or keep them in one skin and call in the
> context of specific folder. All pages I had I kept in skins but its getting
> overloaded. Am I right that in that case skinning philosophy doesn't apply?
You can certainly fall back to the "normal" Zope idiom, which mixes
templates-as-software, templates-as-content, and other content objects
in a "content" folder. What you would be trading off is some of the
clarity achieved by separating software from content, in exchange for
the convenience of managing all of them in the same place.
As an alternative, you could create more folders under the skins tool,
and add them to your skin path(s); these folders could then help you
organize the templates.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com