[Zope-CMF] multiple publish of Documents, Images
Jens Hauser
Jens Hauser" <hauser@jam-gmbh.de
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 20:00:24 +0200
Hi all,
I've searched this mailing list through and even found some helpful hints on
the following problem:
I want to publish an amount of Documents or images which I sent to one of my
Zope sites by FTP. Therfore I don't want to use the "desktop" to publish each
of those items manually.
So I tried to use the python script I found with this mailing list (posted by,
I think, Tres):
### Parameters items, comment=''
wf_tool = context.portal_workflow # XXX getToolByName
for path in items:
object = context.restrictedTraverse( path )
wf_tool.doActionFor( object, 'publish', comment=comment )
I run this script through the following dtml method:
#Title publish_test
<dtml-let folder_url=absolute_url>
<dtml-let upObject="this().aq_parent">
<dtml-with upObject>
<dtml-in expr="objectValues( [ 'Portal Folder', 'Folder' ] )"
sort=id skip_unauthorized>
<dtml-if expr="id <> 'allgemeines' and id <> 'img' and id <> 'pdf' and
id <> 'aktuelles' and id <> 'Members' and id <> 'news' and id <> 'thumbs'">
<dtml-var "publish_all(id)">
by using www.zope-domain.de/kitchen-aid/publish_test
The problem is: It doesn't publish any image, that lies within that directory
... :-(
Am I completely wrong?
Best regards,
Jens Hauser
j.a.m. GmbH
Computer, Systemberatung, Webhosting, Softwareentwicklung
Eschersheimer Landstraße 471
60431 Frankfurt am Main
fon (069) 46 09 88 - 13
fax (069) 46 09 88 - 78
url http://www.jam-gmbh.de
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