[Zope-CMF] Dublin Core Metadata
Erik Lange
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 14:23:28 +0200
At 02:11 PM 9/28/02, Magnus Heino wrote:
> > >RTFM.
> >
> > Oh... so now what Alan accepted as a bug in Plone, is in the manual ?
>I don't know about that, and that was not in my mail.
So what you meant was, that if I had read the manual, I would have known
that Plone doesn't work as a standard CMF-product ?
Maybe - I still don't see any reason for an alternative CMF, which is where
I see Plone is going... to me it seems like you're either using CMF "The
Zope Way", or you use Plone, the "Plone Way" ... and I find this silly..
It would make more sense to me, if Plone worked with the standard CMF,
instead of trying to top it in any way... for Plone's strategy to succed in
the long run, we should all shift to Plone and stop developing for Zope/CMF.
I just don't see any point in that...
What I also experience more and more often, is that people are asking; why
doesn't this work - I'm using Zope xx and Plone .. and almost everytime,
it's a Plone issue. People think that they can use Plone with the same
features as the CMF, and when this fails, they don't think it's a
Plone-issue, since Plone shouldn't change the CMF-core, but it does...
We have given up on supporting people using Plone for this reason... if you
have a problem with our product and is using Plone, we can't help you
untill you un-installs Plone - and the funny thing is that it works almost
every time - just remove Plone and Bingo, it works again ;-)