[Zope-CMF] Re: Plone-CMF
Erik Lange
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 17:03:58 +0200
At 04:13 PM 9/29/02, Magnus Heino wrote:
> > > I feel you own it to this community, to tell that what you're actually
> > > doing with Plone, is that you're forking the CMF to make it into your
> > > own commercial product... when was it you said you're closing the code
> > > ? At 1.0 final ? Or have you changed strategy on this one too ?
> >
> > Is this true? I never heard about that. I always thought that plone
> > will stay open source.
> >
> > Am I going the wrong way?
>No. You have nothing to worry about. Plone will never be more closed
>than what Zope is today.
> > But what will I do in one or two years, when plone is closed source?
> >
> > Could you please shed some light on this?
>Erik, once again, doesn't know what he's talking about.
It was just what Alan told us a few month back - Alan, have you changed
your mind or have you forgotten to inform your developers ?