[Zope-CMF] Development Philosophy & Architecture Questions
Shane Hathaway
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 09:55:55 -0500
Norfleet, Sheppard S. wrote:
> Thanks for the response. To my pee-sized intellect it seemed outright to be
> easier to make one hard coded versioned content type, but I see your point
> about making a tool instead.
There are certainly tradeoffs, but in general I think we've learned that
most application features should be external to content objects.
> BTW, I was looking at your VersionsTool in CMFStaging but am too much of a
> CMF newbie to make hide nor hair of it and after perusing mail lists it
> looks like no documentation was ever made for it. Also, is it still being
> developed? It apparently hasnt been touched in about 8-months.
It hasn't needed development for a while because it works fine. Swamped
with other projects, no one has had time to polish or release CMFStaging
and CMFWorkspaces.
To understand it better, perhaps you can look at the unit tests.
> I wish I knew about it when I was down in Fredricksburg for training a month
> ago and could have gotten a bit more help on it. I even talked to Rob Page
> during lunch about making a document server and the need for version control
> and he didn't bring up CMFStaging. Though he did talk about a future
> diffing functionality for word documents.
The Zope universe is so big that no one can know about everything that's
been developed, not even Rob. :-)
On a related note, I have a patch for Squid that makes it a more
reliable as an HTTP accelerator. But I have no idea how or where to
make it available to the community. Anyone know where I should submit
the patch?