[Zope-CMF] metadata: enforce vocabulary
Rob Boyd
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 09:11:09 -0700 (PDT)
Is the intent of the 'enforce vocabulary' option in
the metadata tool to disallow entry of arbitrary
values into the Subject (or other elements)?
For a particular content type, I am supplying a
vocabulary for the Subject element, and checking the
enforce option. When I edit the metadata for an
instance of that content type, I can type in a string
into the Subject textarea that does not equal a value
in my vocabulary, and can update the content with that
change. I know it goes into effect because Topics
querying for that 'non-allowed' subject keyword will
find it. I'm using CMF 1.3.1, btw. Am I missing the
point about what 'enforce vocabulary' is supposed to
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