[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] Dublin Core Creator(s): revised proposal

Tonico Strasser contact_tonico at yahoo.de
Wed Dec 17 10:28:26 EST 2003

Yuppie wrote:
> - There were some votes for Creator and Contributor methods that return 
> a string representation of the stored Dublin Core elements. It was 
> proposed to make them aliases of Creators() and Contributors().
> I don't believe it's a good idea to do that:
> 1.) Creator() and Contributor() would just return a (more or less) valid 
> Dublin Core element in the case of exactly one creator / contributor.
> 2.) Existing code expects exactly one creator returned by Creator(). The 
> Creator FieldIndex becomes un-searchable with multiple creators, skin 
> methods like content_byline.pt will no longer work as expected.
> That leads me to this change in my proposal:
> Creator() and Contributor() should return only the *first* element.

I'm convinced, the CMF DublinCore implementation seems to be designed 
for getting (and setting) metadata of content, /not/ for implementing 
names of the DC Metadata Element Set [DCMES]. A Creator is just one item 
of many Creators, like many files in one directory. That same rule could 
apply to all elements.

As I understand the DCMI Encoding Guidelines[1], these names are only 
important for the output (e.g. in a RDF[3] file).

[1] <http://dublincore.org/resources/expressions/>
[2] <http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/FAQ.html#could>


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