[Zope-CMF] backup strategies
Andreas Jung
Fri, 07 Feb 2003 17:21:45 +0100
--On Freitag, 7. Februar 2003 16:09 +0000 Sally Owens
<sowens@brookes.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> we are considering moving our main university web site over to Zope(with
> CMF). One of the major concerns that we have is downtime if something
> goes wrong (either with Zope, or CMF, or with the datafile). I was
> wondering what common 'backup strategies' people use to minimize this
> sort of thing (obviously we would be backing up the datafile and we will
> have a separate development and 'live' server)? We will be moving from a
> flat HTML file system (where it is easy to tell if the data is corrupt,
> and easy to sort out problems with the server) to Zope and CMF (where you
> might not notice problems with the datafile until it's too late and by
> then your backups might be corrupt too). How could we reduce the risk of
> data/software failure?
> Is there any way for example to *test* Data.fs when you back it up (to be
> sure that you are not backing up corrupt data)?
Most people create a copy of the Data.fs and backup this copy. It is not
to stop Zope during this process.