[Zope-CMF] Staging content
Dieter Maurer
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 11:20:42 +0100
Mark Gibson wrote at 2003-2-4 16:19 -0700:
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
> > Mark Gibson wrote at 2003-2-3 18:35 -0700:
> > > Has anyone used any content staging strategies besides CMFStaging?
> >
> > * We use a publish/revise workflow to handle published
> > content revision: when published content needs to be revised,
> > the revision is done on a copy. Only when the revision is
> > released the published object is modified.
> >
> Can you elaborate on this a bit? What are the steps from beginning
> to end you follow to revise and update a piece of content? Can you
> illustrate the workflow as well?
The most natural setup ;-)
workflow states outgoing transistions
new publish, becomeRevision
published revise
underRevision cancelRevision
isRevision cancelRevision, publish
transitions destination state
publish published
revise underRevision
cancelRevision published
becomeRevision isRevision
"revise", "cancelRevision" and "publish" have associated scripts
which perform the create/remove/store the revision copy.
The copy is stored in the "Revision" attribute of revised object.
"becomeRevision" is an automatic transistion which fires when
the object has a parent and it is the "Revision" attribute of the