[Zope-CMF] [dev] some questions regarding CMF 1.4
Florent Guillaume
27 Feb 2003 15:15:35 +0100
On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 20:13, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Florent Guillaume wrote at 2003-2-25 20:17 +0000:
> > As I mentionned somewhere, I'm against releasing the proposed i18n as it
> > is. Useable i18n means using message-ids everywhere, not just relying on
> > default-text-as-message-id which is brittle.
> Why do you think so?
> "gettext" uses precisely that approach.
> We had made good experience with it.
Suppose you have some ZPT with:
<p i18n:translate="">
Enter your password below
the fr.po file has:
msgid "Enter your password below"
msgstr "Tapez votre mot de passe ci-dessous"
Note that the English version is served for those who don't use i18n.
Now if for some reason the ZPT string has to be changed to
<p i18n:translate="">
Enter your password in the box below
Then those that use i18n but have not updated their translations will
see an English version. Also to update the translation you have to add a
*new* string to the fr.po file, and remove the old one:
msgid "Enter your password in the box below"
msgstr "Tapez votre mot de passe dans la boîte ci-dessous"
That complicates the translator's job a lot.
OTOH if we had changed from:
<p i18n:translate="enter password below">
Enter your password below
<p i18n:translate="enter password below">
Enter your password in the box below
Then those that haven't changed their translations will just see the old
message in their language, and updating the translation in the .po file
is simply updating one string.
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 87 http://nuxeo.com mailto:fg@nuxeo.com