[Zope-CMF] Making HTML 'safe'.

Yuppie schubbe@web.de
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 19:49:01 +0100

Hi Chris!

Chris Withers wrote:
> Yuppie wrote:
>>> You could look at Strip-O-Gram 
>>> (http://www.zope.org/Members/chrisw/StripOGram/) which was designed 
>>> for solving this exact problem and is qutie mature now, it's been 
>>> around since pre-PTK times.
>> What do you propose?
> Don't know what you mean...

Did I get you right that you propose to replace 
CMFDefault.utils.StrippingParser with the code of stripogram.html2safehtml?

>> I don't think using a patched version of sgmllib is acceptable for CMF. 
> What patches are you refering to?

StrippingParser uses the default sgmllib SGMLParser. html2safehtml uses 
its own HTMLParser.

Quoting from that HTMLParser:
# This file is based on sgmllib.py, but the API is slightly different.

That's what I meant by 'a patched version of sgmllib'.

