[Zope-CMF] How to add portal_type selectively?
suresh_vv <sureshvv@hotmail.com>
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:29:47 -0000
--- In zopeCMF@yahoogroups.com, "Ausum Studio" <ausum_studio@h...>
> You can create almost any portal object programatically using
> InvokeFactory(look for previous messages on this sibject). Now if
you don't
> want it to appear at the "add content" screen, uncheck
the "Implicitly
> addable?" option at the type's property (within portal_types).
Well... Not quite!
I just discovered that if you turn off "implicitly addable", then you
need to set it as an allowed content type in the parent folder.
Otherwise the TypesTool barfs.