[Zope-CMF] is there a way to massupdate memberdata?
robert rottermann
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:09:30 +0100
Thanks a lot,
I am wondering whether such a job should not be possible without external
----- Original Message -----
From: "Troy Farrell" <troy@entheossoft.com>
To: "Zope-CMF" <zope-cmf@zope.org>; <robert@redcor.ch>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] is there a way to massupdate memberdata?
> If you want to update loads of info, how about building a decent UI, and
> looping over the External Method below. You might add some intelligence
> so you don't try to set properties on anyone for whom they didn't change.
> My External Method is below. I ought to add some more error checking,
> but I haven't yet. uid is a member id, props is a mapping of the
> properties you want to try to set. Using the security tab of the
> External Method, be sure you lock this one down really well (so people
> don't go messing with other people's data :)
> def setAMembersProperties(self, uid, props):
> """ Set the properties in props (a mapping)
> for portal member with id uid.
> """
> mtool = self.portal_membership
> member = mtool.getMemberById(uid)
> member.setMemberProperties(props)
> Troy