[Zope-CMF] join_form stopped working

Jochen Haeberle listen@midras.de
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:21:14 +0100


we had to split join_form in a visual and logical part to have the 
possibility to adjust the look depending on where you are.

Basically we have a file that does the look and then calls/includes the 
logic part.

This broke the possibility or anonymous users to join the portal.

The form shows up, but submitting brings up the login dialog. A logged 
in Manager _can_ use the form to add another member, though.

I guess I need to set a sort of local role for my PTs to be able to 
join/add_users but I do not find a clue how, PageTemplates do not seem 
to offer that :-(

Could anyone please help me out?

