[Zope-CMF] How can I change the way text is indexed?

John Waycott javajohn@cox.net
Thu, 23 Jan 2003 20:13:42 -0700

I need to make a change to the way the catalog indexes and looks up 
words on my CMF/Plone site. This is a stock CMF/Plone site with only 
some minor skin and workflow changes.

There are two issues:

1. I need to index technical acronyms like "Q.931" or "X.25". The 
catalog seems to ignore these.

2. I want to change the default search to "and" words together instead 
of "or" them, so if I type "dial modem", it will behave like "dial and 
modem", rather than "dial or modem".

Being a real newbie at all of this, I'm a bit at a loss of where to go 
looking to make these changes. Can someone point me to the files that 
need to change?


--John Waycott