[Zope-CMF] Running Zope behind Squid on the same host
Chris McDonough
30 Jan 2003 19:18:45 -0500
I don't think redirector speed is a problem in practice. Python can do
this job (probably on the order of thousands of redirector rewrites per
second) much faster than a Squid can service requests (~ 400 - 700 req/s
for an average site on average hardware).
On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 17:41, sean.upton@uniontrib.com wrote:
> Thanks for the write-up on this. As a fellow Squid+Zope user, I think this
> is helpful. I haven't used SquidGuard, though I considered it at one point;
> I might also recommend considering using Pyredir
> (http://freshmeat.net/projects/pyredir/) as your redirector instead of
> Squidguard; it is written in Python (thus can be easily hacked, for example,
> I turned off logging), and has a simple configuration file syntax (one line
> per rule, an example is below).
> #============= Top part of my pyredir.conf file =======
> clients:
> ^http://classifieds.uniontrib.com[/]?(.*)
> =http://nodes:9673/Classifieds/VirtualHostBase/http/classifieds.uniontrib.co
> m:80/Classifieds/VirtualHostRoot/\1
> #======================================================
> I haven't noticed there being any issues with speed, though this is likely
> to be slower than a redirector written in C. For an accelerator, it would
> be nice to minimize this, by optionally caching redirection values (thus
> saving Squid the time needed for communication between the redirector
> process and itself, as well as the CPU time needed by the redirector);
> unfortunately, Squid, at the moment does not cache redirector return values,
> though one could likely take the code in Squid for IP lookup caching and use
> the same idea to cache the returned resulting URLs passed from the
> redirector. I may look to do this in the future, one day when I have time.
> Sean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J C Lawrence [mailto:claw@kanga.nu]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:50 PM
> To: zope-cmf@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope-CMF] Running Zope behind Squid on the same host
> The typical advice is to run Zope behind Apache. For various reasons,
> among which are that I found Squid faster, I don't want to do that. I
> went thru the HOWTOs on zope.org and found them ineffective. In
> particular Marc Bowery's HOWTO at:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/bowerymarc/squid-zserver-virtual
> cost me two days before I abandoned it as a dead end and not quite what
> I needed. The below approach required little more than 45 minutes to
> discover, research, and implement.
> Note: I've not (yet) paid mind to implementing proper Squid cache
> security so as to not be operating an open cache for others to abuse.
> As such I won't be addressing those concerns. However, they are not
> difficult problems and there are thorough and articulate discussions
> of the area for Squid as a general product, outside of any Zope
> specifics. As such, I'll leave those discussions there.
> You don't want to be running an open cache any more than you want to
> be running an open mail relay. Pay attention. You have been warned.
> Here's how I got it working.
> Notes:
> - Nothing here is CMF specific. However, I'm not on the base Zope
> list and I am on this list. Please feel free to crosspost this to
> the base Zope lists as you see fit.
> - Some details are mildly Linux/Debian specific, butt they should be
> obvious and easy to translate for other Linux distributions or other
> Unixes.
> - Please forward corrections, suggestions, or updates to me at the
> above address and I'll look to incorporating them into this doc.
> Tools needed:
> - Zope -- http://www.zope.org
> - Squid -- http://www.squid-cache.org/
> - SquidGuard -- http://www.squidguard.org/
> - SiteAccessEnhanced -- http://www.zope.org/Members/sfm/SiteAccessEnhanced
> *Note: I initially tried to use Jesred but was unable to get it to
> process http POSTs correctly and reliably. While it is simpler and
> smaller than SquidGuard, it also appears to be slower.*
> Installation:
> Install all the above in the normal way. For Linux/Debian Zope,
> Squid, and SquidGuard and be retrieved and installed via `apt-get`.
> You'll need to install SiteAccessEnhanced in the normal Zope way by
> unpacking it in your Zope products directory and restarting Zope.
> Configuration:
> If you have any questions on the below, please consult the relevant
> documentation, help files, web sites, and sources before asking me.
> - Zope:
> Using the ZMI create a VirtualHostMonster (the name of the product
> that SiteAccessEnhanced installs) in the root of your Zope system.
> Call it anything you want.
> - Squid:
> Use the following configuration options over and above the Debian
> defaults:
> http_port 80
> redirect_program /usr/bin/squidGuard -c /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf
> httpd_accel_host virtual
> httpd_accel_port 0
> Other changes may be necessary if you are not using Linux/Debian or
> have a different initial default squid.conf.
> - SquidGuard:
> Use the following SquidGuard configuration file::
> dbhome /var/lib/squidguard/db
> logdir /var/log/squid
> acl {
> default {
> redirect
> http://localhost:9673/VirtualHostBase/http/your.host.dom:80/root_folder/Virt
> ualHostRoot/%p
> }
> }
> Where:
> your.host.dom -- is the FQDN of the host in question.
> root_folder -- is the Zope folder that you want to be the root
> folder of your site.
> 9673 -- Is the default port that Linux/Debian runs Zope on.
> Change to suit your installation.
> You could also use rewrite rules under SquidGuard instead of the
> redirect used above, but they are more expensive.
> - SiteAccessEnhanced
> Using the ZMI install a VirtualHostMonster object in the root folder
> of your Zope installatiom. You will not need to configure it for
> this simple HOWTO.
> Voila! Restart Zope and Squid for the changes to take effect and
> everything should be happily working on port 80.
> Note that you'll need to do something more complex and interesting for
> proper virtual host support. As this is a simple get-you-started HOWTO
> I've not covered that.
> I've also posted this HOWTO to Zope.org at:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/JCLawrence/LocalhostSquidHOWTO/index_html
> and will be the current version at any time.
> Enjoy.
> --
> J C Lawrence
> ---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
> claw@kanga.nu He lived as a devil, eh?
> http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/ Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.
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> Zope-CMF maillist - Zope-CMF@zope.org
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