[Zope-CMF] CMFCommerce how to?
Chris Withers
Fri, 18 Jul 2003 12:07:57 +0100
Jet Wilda wrote:
> I have
> Zope Version (Zope 2.6.1 (source release, python 2.1, linux2), python
> 2.1.3, linux2)
> Python Version 2.1.3 [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-113)],
> CMF 1.3.1, Plone 1.0.3, and CMFCommerce 0.9 installed.
> Ok I've added a "Commerce Tool" to my CMF site that worked fine.
> Now when I go to add a "Commerce Content" of 'CommerceProduct' it throws
> an error:
> Error Type: TypeError
> Error Value: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (2
> given)
> Traceback (innermost last):
> Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 98, in publish
> Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
> Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
> Module Products.CMFCore.utils, line 472, in manage_addContent
> TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)
> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what steps I've missed but
> I know that I'm missing something.
Are you trying to add Commerce Content through the ZMI or through the Plone