[Zope-CMF] Re: [Plone-users] How do I get every user able to see all
foldersofa given group?
David Neelands
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 15:29:52 -0400
Hmmm that looks like the solution of putting a custom index file into
every directory that you want a file list in. That's not good, as we
will have many contributors, most of whom won't know much about doing
that, and the ITS department won't want to nurse it.
Hmmm... it seems as though you can add sidebar things easily enough
under right_slots and left_slots... I wonder what options there are
-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
David George Neelands
Alachua County Information & Telecommunication Services
dgn@co.alachua.fl.us, (352) 338-7300
-==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-
"The user owns the Back button."
-- Dr. Jakob Nielsen, http://www.useit.com/alertbox
>>> Martin <martin@easyweb.co.uk> 06/05/03 11:30AM >>>
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, David Neelands wrote:
> 2) I want users to be able to see the contents view of any given
> folder. Not to add, but to just see a list of files. How can I do
> this?
Simple - don't put an index_html file in there.
Alternatively, shove the folder_contents method there:
If you don't have a role that lets you add content, you just get the
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