[Zope-CMF] KeywordIndex search with operator 'and' returns all results when only one keyword matches
Dieter Maurer
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 20:06:49 +0200
Richard Ettema wrote at 2003-6-26 19:30 +0100:
> When I search a CMF site catalog with the dtml shown below (searching with
> 'review_state' (fieldindex) and 'food' (keywordIndex) ) the following
> occurs:
> -if there are SOME cataloged items with both 'oranges' and 'apples',
> published items cataloged with a 'food' index matching 'oranges' AND
> 'apples' are returned as expected.
> -if there are NO cataloged items with both 'oranges' and 'apples',
> published items cataloged with a 'food' index matching 'oranges' OR 'apples'
> are returned. No items should be returned by my reckoning?
> I have searched around for anyone with this situation, but have not found
> anything.
This bug has been reported to the mailing list some time ago.
Someone disagreed that it were a bug.
I strongly agree with you. Please file a bug report.