[Zope-CMF] Search - Local file system objects.
Tres Seaver
04 Mar 2003 07:32:52 -0500
On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 06:25, Paul Naveen Raj Jeyaraj wrote:
> I have a LFS in my CMF portal and I want all files under my LFS object
> to be searchable by 'CMF search'. How do I go about? Please guide. Thank
> you.
"Normal" CMF content indexes itself into the 'portal_catalog' when it
is created, re-indexes itself when modified, and unindexes itself before
being deleted. You will need to emulate this behavior on behalf of the
filesystem-based content, either:
- Write a "batch indexing" script which runs periodically, comparing
the files on disk and the catalog entires, and reconciling
- If the filesystem content objects are never modified / added /
removed outside of Zope, then you can do the indexing operations
"inline"< as the changes happen.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com