[Zope-CMF] Read-only FileStorage and CMF
Jens Vagelpohl
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 07:32:40 -0500
the CMF will try to save the time a user logs in to keep track of the
last time you log in. you cannot do that with a read-only ZODB unless
you find and eliminate the code that tries to save the login time.
On Tuesday, Mar 4, 2003, at 06:56 US/Eastern, Bert Vanderbauwhede wrote:
> Hi,
> I started Zope with a read-only FileStorage. Next, when I tried to
> login
> into my CMF site, the login succeeded, but I got a site error, with
> error
> type ReadOnlyError. Logging in into the ZMI works just fine.
> Is there a way to avoid this error? I use LDAPUserFolder. Is this a
> problem with LDAPUserFolder, CMF, or Zope?
> Bert Vanderbauwhede...