[Zope-CMF] [dev] CMF 1.4 alpha
Chris Withers
Tue, 04 Mar 2003 15:04:54 +0000
Hamish Harvey (David) wrote:
> The "can contain" list solves the "people want to create only certain types in
> certain *types* of folder (folderish)". It doesn't allow people to specify on
> a per-folder-instance basis what types can be added (eg in the /news folder)
> without a kludge:
I think this is adding unneccessary complexity...
> I achieved this effect by creating multiple FTIs based on PortalFolder (I
> presume, it was a while ago) and using the 'can contain' list on those custom
> types. A LinkFolder is only allowed to contain other LinkFolder and Links,
> for example.
...since this is the right way to do this. if a folder can only contain certain
types of content, I'd say that makes it significantly different enough from a
normal folder to warrant it being a new content types.
> I draw attention to this only because I see a difference, not because I need
> the feature.
So it's a YAGNI then ;-)