[Zope-CMF] CMF Bug Day: Friday 14th
Andy McKay
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:24:26 -0800
Florent Guillaume wrote:
> Andy writes:
>>Friday 14th, 4pm GMT - approx. 10pm GMT
> I'd just like to point out (as I did for other Zope bug days) that
> that's Friday night for us European users, and on Friday night, the
> beginning of the week-end, I usually try to socialize and do other stuff
> than hacking on Zope.
> Any other day of the week is better than Friday.
> So I'll be on IRC a bit during the day, but I don't plan on being there
> much after 5pm GMT.
Well please start earlier then ;)
Friday happens to be my best day, every bug day I've gone to has been
over by the time I've gotten there... perhaps we should have two bug
days or one very long one :)
Andy McKay