[Zope-CMF] Re: Function Removal if Item is locked.
Tres Seaver
13 Mar 2003 14:28:33 -0500
On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 08:51, Florent Guillaume wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 14:39, Yuppie wrote:
> > Florent Guillaume wrote:
> > > What I really want is *arbitrary* properties on actions. Target is just
> > > one of lots of special cases (onclick, image, color, etc., come to
> > > mind).
> >
> > image?? color???
> >
> > These examples sound like you want to store layout inside
> > ActionInformation. Shouldn't images and colors be defined in the skins?
> No, I want to store arbitrary metadata on the action. I'll then use it
> as I see fit when I display the action box.
> Instead of image, understand "icon_name" for instance. "target" is
> another good example. There could be arbitrary rollover information to
> associate to that action too. And so on. That's juste metadata. They
> could be simply key to actual data stored in a skin, but I need to have
> the key there.
We have been using a pattern where we store such metadata in a separate
tool, keyed to 'category,action_id'; this both keeps the action
providers simple, and allows for uniformity (all 'object,edit' actions
get the same icon / target / whatever).
I'm not averse to being able to set arbitrary properties on ActionInfo
objects, as long as the person who adds that deals with any
compatibility issues which may arise.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com