[Zope-CMF] What is PMI as oppose to Zope Management Interface
Troy Farrell
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:33:40 -0600
Thanks to all who responded. I had heard a few complaints that the
plone user lists were dead, but I stand corrected (not having verified
the facts myself.) Sorular, I hope this answers your question.
george donnelly wrote:
> [Troy Farrell wrote (troy@entheossoft.com) on 3/17/03 9:49 AM]
>>PMI. I assume that's another name for the Zope management interface. I
>>don't know. I don't use Plone... I suppose that this will work as a
>>place to ask since the plone-lists are dead... Any plone users out that
>>that care to touch this one?
> Plone Management interface? I believe this is the interface you see at
> /folder_contents
> AFAIK the plone-users list is working fine.