[Zope-CMF] security weirdness

Sylvain Thénault Sylvain Thénault
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:50:29 +0100

hi there !

I'm encountering some strange problem with a CMF site. I've made a copy
of an existant site, and now I have a lot of access rigth problems on 
the copy site. 

For instance, I'm correctly logged with an account which has the 
'manager' role, but I'm not able to see the folder_contents view on 
the root of the site ("You are not allowed to access listFolderContent
in this context") while the permission 'list folder content' is given 
to roles 'manager' and 'authenticated'. I'm able to see the 
folder_contents view only if I give permission to the anonymous role 
(yes, I'm sure I was logged in...). 

This is only an example, I've a lot of other right access problems :(

I can't understand what's wrong here. Any idea ?  
Sylvain Thénault                               LOGILAB, Paris (France).

http://www.logilab.com   http://www.logilab.fr  http://www.logilab.org