[Zope-CMF] Saving state with Zope???
Raphael Ritz
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 16:50:06 +0100
Braun Brelin wrote:
>I'm trying to do the following :
>>From URL A, redirect to URL B. From URL B, redirect
>back to URL A.
>Basically, I need to know how to save URL A so that my
>python script (or ZPT, whichever) located at URL B can
>redirect back to URL A.
if this is from a form you could pass a hidden variable with the current URL
Otherwise you could append something like
<URL B>?came_from=<URL A>
in your redirect statement.
>I've been looking at the
>Zope docs and ZopeLabs for some hints but I've come up
>empty. I tried doing a request.set(URL A) before
>doing the redirect but that doesn't seem to work.
>Apparently, the request variable gets re-set each time
>(which makes sense).
>Anybody have any thoughts on how to do this?
>Braun Brelin
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