[Zope-CMF] Building dynamic pages & the like
Erik Lange
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 19:17:14 +0100
At 06:14 PM 3/19/03, Chris Withers wrote:
>Erik Lange wrote:
>>We hope to release CMF Portal Layout soon :-)
>>But at the moment it's only available from our CVS.... and at own risk:-))
>I'd certainly be interested in taking a look. Where's your CVS repository?
>Are there any examples, either internet accessible or when you install the
Not really, yet :-(
It's our plan to ship the product with a default layout and format and
styles objects, because when the product is installed on a fresh site, you
just gets a blank portal, which aren't very usefull, unless you know the
URL "/edit_layout_columns", so you can set up a layout and define where
boxes should go. This because all elements on the portal is handled by CMF
Portal Layout, including log-in box, action boxes and so on.
Feel free to play around with it, but remember that it's in a _very_ rough
state at the moment (to put it gentle), especially the UI for configuering
the layout is rather confussing at the moment... I'll try and get time to
write an article with some example screenshots asap... hopefully within the
next few days.
Erik Lange