[Zope-CMF] Workflows and groups...

Christian Scholz cs@comlounge.net
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 15:19:41 +0100


> I want to have a "normal" workflow with private, pending and published states. 
> But I also want to be able to say "This document is published to all 
> members", "This document is published to all anonymous"... etc.
> What would be the best way to implement this?

Well, depends on what you understand under "normal". Not changing the
existing one?

I think this should be possible to extend the workflow definition.
But it depends on where you want to decide the group. E.g. if the
editor decides this when setting it to pending or the reviewer when
actually publishing it.

In the latter case I'd just make for each group a published state
and make transisitions from the pending state to each published state.
The permissions in these published state should then be set to meet
your group.

If you want the editor to select the group when setting it to pending
then you might also need a new pending state for each group which
then again leads to the group specific published state.

Dunno, if that get's clear or if I am not wrong somewhere ;-)

-- christian

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