[Zope-CMF] CMF Support Woes
Ausum Studio
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 08:48:36 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Norfleet, Sheppard S." <SNorfleet2@northropgrumman.com>
> Basically, I need to add additional meta-data (for all portal content
> to the edit meta data form, and I would like the full edit meta data form
> be the default. I would also like to have some meta-data entries to be
> required. Is this possible to change via the ZMI, or do I need get out a
> wrench and modify the code. (Not really knowing Python I would prefer a
> method, but will take what help I can get). I did use the meta-data tool
> to make new meta-data types, but they apparently do not "automatically"
> appear in the form nor is there an apparent interface to add them to the
> form.
The templates metadata_edit_form and full_metadata_edit_form aren't hooked
to portal_metadata because they are just that, templates. According to your
current information needs and graphic design decisions many issues may
change, so that in the absense of a specialized object that performs this,
it isn't that bad to manually add new fields to them.
If you want to have full_metadata_edit_form as the default template without
disturbing any other one, create in the 'custom' folder a DTML method called
"metadata_edit_form" and write there this simple line:
<dtml-var full_metadata_edit_form>
This way, the first will just render the second, even if it's a ZPT, whitout
the need to rename anything.
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> Warm Regards
> Sheppard Norfleet
> P.S. I have been looking for help on this topic for about 2 weeks, 5 days
> week, 8 hours a day, so please go gentle if I managed to miss a "good"
> source.
> -----Original Message-----