[Zope-CMF] Product properties: set and get ?
Chris Withers
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:18:31 +0000
Jean-Francois.Doyon@CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca wrote:
> I have tried putting an _properties tuple of dictionaries in my __init__.py:
> _properties = ( {'id': 'rasterimagesfsroot', 'type': 'string' }, {'id':
> 'rasterimagesurlroot', 'type': 'string' }, )
> But that didn't do anything.
Does your Product class include PropertyManager in it's hierarchy of parents?
> How is this done ? Note that these should be properties of the product
> itself (Edited through the properties tab of the product, in the control
> panel), NOT of instances of the product.
Ah, well, _properties won't do that and I dont' know of a way that it would be
This is quite an unusualy requirement. What lead you to see it as a need?