[Zope-CMF] sorting lists...
Tres Seaver
28 Mar 2003 06:49:46 -0500
On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 04:46, Antony Higgs wrote:
> Hi
> Using contentValues() to return a list of content, I am left with the
> following...
> [ <Document at /my_folder/doc_a_id>,
> <Document at /my_folder/doc_b_id>,
> <Document at /my_folder/doc_c_id> ]
> Is it possible to sort the list alphabetically on an attribute of each
> Document. ie. on 'Title'?
> ...and if so, how? ;-)
The naive implementation would be:
objects = context.contentValues()
objects.sort( lambda x, y: cmp( x.Title(), y.Title() ) )
return objects
For a really long list, you may want to create a "decorated"
intermediate (see the Python Cookbook for rationale):
objects = [ ( x.Title(), x ) for x in context.contentValues() ]
objects.sort() # tuples compare "lexicographically"
return [ x[1] for x in objects ]
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com